Side channels

Modern CPUs deploy all kinds of tricks to be as fast as possible.

However, Spectre and other transient execution vulnerabilities show that these optimizations may leak sensitive data.

The aliens won't just give the flag to you, they are only willing to sell it for an unreasonably high price. If you really want the flag, you have to hand over all your fictional money to the aliens, and beat them at their betting game.

It is recommended to use sftp to get files onto and from the server.

From VU-CTF 2024

ssh -p 3020<br />sftp -P 3020

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For all your quotatious needs, the aliens built a quote of the day service. In their infinite wisdom, they decided to make the service resistant against UDP amplification attacks. Instead of sending a response back over UDP, they directly write a spooky quote directly into your memory!

From VU-CTF 2024

ssh -p 3020<br />sftp -P 3020

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